Tax laws and lack of awareness of these laws and their implementation, has caused many problems for many companies. With the emergence of some issues in the world today, government revenue from taxes plays a significant role. For companies, while observing tax laws and preventing some restrictions, it prevents the increase of costs and fines. Proper preparation of tax returns, including value added and performance, and submitting them on time is one of the most important duties of company managers.

Prepare and prepare all tax returns

In this discussion, it is necessary to prepare and prepare all tax returns and register all natural and legal persons subject to the law of direct tax and value added tax, according to the law and the approved method. The form is done online and there is no need to visit the head offices of the Tax Administration throughout the country.Prepare tax returns

Preparing a tax return according to the approved standards and methods accepted by the country’s tax affairs organization is one of the tasks that taxpayers must do every year and submit their business records for accurate tax calculation. It is recommended that in order to use tax exemptions, receive exemptions and reduce the amount of legal penalties, esteemed taxpayers should proceed to the correct completion under the supervision of specialized and experienced accounting consultants. Financial and accounting services

What is a tax return? Prepare tax returns

The tax return, whether self-declared or provided to the taxpayers by the tax administration itself, is a financial record that every year, taxable individuals and legal entities submit to the tax authority for the purpose of calculating their tax, and now, with Electronic self-declaration, processes are performed under a centralized system

As a result, a company’s tax record in a financial period in which assets, liabilities, capital as well as profit and loss in a financial period are determined. The preparation and preparation of all tax returns is of great importance from this point of view, which are subject to fines if the company / natural persons are not submitted on time and within the prescribed time limit, as well as tax exemptions.

Prepare tax returns