Audit and reporting services
An auditor is a person or entity that has the ultimate responsibility for auditing financial statements or providing related services. “Auditing and Reporting Services” is a formal, expert opinion provided by an external or internal auditor regarding the quality and accuracy of the financial statements provided by the Company.
Therefore, financial reports and data must be in the hands of third parties in order to conduct a thorough review. In auditing, the responsibility for preparing financial statements lies with the management of the business unit, and the auditor’s duty is to perform the audit in accordance with auditing standards and to comment on the financial statements. The auditor should be independent of the organization being audited.
Management reports
Existence of correct and reliable reports within the organization is a basic and essential thing in faster and better decision making of managers in order to advance the goals of the organization. Basic management reports …
particular adudit
In this audit, according to the special and occasional needs of the managers or shareholders of the company, a specific and predetermined subject is determined according to the agreement between …
Internal Audit
Internal audit is a reassuring activity that aims to directly evaluate and increase productivity and efficiency and effectiveness, observe the organization’s internal controls, comply with laws and .