In the world of business, disputes are inevitable. Proper management should create working conditions in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of disputes and their occurrence, or to manage it to a minimum. Now, assuming that there is a dispute due to any reason, going to court and the judicial system will be very complicated and costly and a waste of time, which is a bad thing in commercial contracts because the trader can take advantage of the time To win the contract, not to prolong it, which is why many economic actors and business managers prefer to use arbitration and mediation to achieve the desired result in the shortest time instead of going to court.
Arbitration and mediation
“Arbitration and mediation” is one of the low-cost and fast methods of resolving disputes and disputes. This method can be used both to resolve disputes between individuals and in relation to resolving disputes between governments, but this method is gaining more and more supporters at the international level and is expanding day by day. In this method, the third party helps and mediates as a mediator to resolve the dispute and reach an agreement.
This is how “mediator in Dehkhoda Persian culture means peacemaker between two people, the mediator of compromise and integration and the creation of understanding, the mediator and the mediator of reconciliation and peace.” From time immemorial, elders and tribal elders have tried expediently to reconcile legal or criminal disputes in various ways and to prevent possible tensions. This could not be done except by being accepted by the people.
They were human resources that provided the best way to deal with and resolve disputes at the lowest cost. In this article, we want to get acquainted with the concept of mediation in criminal cases.
How to work in arbitration and mediation
The way of working on this issue is that during the “mediation” negotiation sessions, the mediating party describes its method regarding the proposed solution to reach an agreement between the litigants, and the two parties explain their views on the reasons for the existing dispute. And ways to overcome it.